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Matthew Dias

Hi, I'm Matt. I like to program, problem solve, and learn new things. I love to travel, and often spend my free time planning or taking trips to the next destination I have in mind. When I finally get to where I'm going, you'll find me trying to spend as much time as possible underwater, scuba diving.
StdyBdy is a project that was originally started by Scott Gauthreaux and myself for an assignment in an intro to databases course that slowly grew larger and larger. Learning all of the tools as we went, we built a rails web application aimed at helping students find peers to study with based on their schedules. All hosted on on AWS, the learning curve was initially steep, but as I learned more, I grew to love the ease of cloud computing! StdyBdy has been placed aside for now, as both Scott and myself are out of school and working on other projects.